
Minus the pounds I’ve shed I no longer resemble a dead and bloated animal about to explode on the roadside. My tits are no longer bigger than some of the chick’s I’ve dated. A 40-something b-cup bra is no longer looming in my immediate future. My pants are all falling off. Even my watch and shoes are a little looser today.

My body is less swine-like but more Smurf-like. Whatever definition I had pre-fatboy days is long gone. And I like the Smurfs. I just don’t really like looking like one.

After I finish physical therapy, hopefully I’ll be in condition to so something about my lack of tone. A couple of months with the dumbbells used to do wonders for me. Whether that trick will still work at 46 is anybody’s guess. It’s doubtful I’ll be ready for the beach this spring. But since I’m not going to the beach until they remove the sand, sharks, and all the other people, it’s not a big deal.

3 Responses to “progress?”

  1. 1 bottlecappie March 25, 2008 at 10:21 am

    Well done sir! Are you feeling better too?

  2. 2 Prester John March 25, 2008 at 11:34 am

    I feel a lot better about how I look. I’d never admit it to anyone but you, but I think I’m really pretty vain. My self-esteem and self-confidence are non-existent but I can fake it incredibly well if I feel like I look good. That’s becoming problematic because I’m not as pretty as when I was younger. We do what we can I guess.

  3. 3 Arkay March 25, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    I was with you right up to your pants falling off…

    Glad ur on the way to fit and fitness (I have a plan to (re)start today actually – need to lose 20-25 lbs myself). Just PLEASE make sure you stretch enough first. I have now have a 4 infront of my age too, and when doing rehab from an accident 4 years ago, stretching was the key to not hurting AND being able to keep going each day.

    As for the beach, the sand isn’t so bad, is it?

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