ridin’ the storms out

It’s going to be hot, humid, and charged with electrical storms for the holiday weekend. It’s been a whole lot of years since holidays meant anything to me other than something slightly different to muddle through. That I’ll be trapped in the house with the women for three days, is, well, a little nerve racking. Usually Mom will waste untold hours fooling around in the jungle that is outside. Not this weekend. So I’ll be holed up in my room trying to be grateful I’m not somewhere mostly-dead and totally broke as a result of a dope and booze bender. When you’re me it can always be exponentially worse.

2 Responses to “ridin’ the storms out”

  1. 1 beartwinsmom July 3, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    Stay strong… you’re much stronger than you give yourself credit. :-)

  2. 2 titaniumrose July 4, 2008 at 7:16 am

    You just made me think of a great song… I gotta go see if I can find it on YouTube for you! :)

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