an update

My recent blogging is beneficial post went over pretty well. Unfortunately I dispensed some advice on a product I hadn’t put through enough paces. Co.mments, a web-based app for tracking comments across the blogosphere, just doesn’t work very well. Recently I’ve tried Cocomment and Comentful and they’re no better. None of them are very reliable and to me that makes them useless. If anyone knows of a web-based app that “works like it’s supposed to”, please let me know. Apparently developing such an app is a much trickier problem than I’d imagined. Anyway, sorry if the bum steer caused you half the frustration it did me.

1 Response to “an update”

  1. 1 joaquin March 14, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    Just read your post, sorry to hear you are having problems. Please let me know what issues you encountered with coCOmment, what do you mean when you say not very reliable.
    Thanks, we appreciate your help in making our product better.


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